Mental health is an important concern among final year students, especially when they face high academic pressure in completing their thesis. To overcome this problem, this research aims to develop a system for identifying mental health problems using the Forward Chaining and Backward Chaining methods for final year students at the National Development University "Veteran" East Java. The Forwar…
Choosing a major in high school (SMA) is a crucial decision that can influence students' academic development and interest in learning. The process of determining a major is often manual and prone to errors, which can have a negative impact on a student's learning experience. This research aims to develop a recommendation system for high school majors based on information technology using the F…
Persyaratan peternakan organik yakni bibitnya, pakannya dan pemeliharaannya harus organik. Syarat untuk bibit ternak organik harus berasal dari bibit ternak alamiah serta diseleksi secara alamiah bukan berasal dari hasil rekayasa genetika dan bukan sebagai embrio transfer. Persyaratan untuk pakan ternak organik harus pakan alamiah. Pakan yang berasal dari tanaman yang dipupuk dengan pupuk buata…