This research was conducted at UMKM Bunda Surabaya, Surabaya City, with a focus on value-added analysis and profit optimization of processed shellfish production. The research method used was a case study with non-probability sampling, and data collection through interviews, questionnaires, observation, and secondary data. Data analysis was carried out descriptively and quantitatively, includin…
Kupang Mojokerto Eucalyptus Oil Agroindustry is an agricultural industry engaged in distilling eucalyptus leaves into eucalyptus oil products. This study aims to (1) identify the sources and types of operational risks, (2) describe the level of size of the occurrence of operational risks, and (3) formulate alternative solutions as operational risk control measures that have the potential to occ…
The coffee shop business is growing increasingly rapidly resulting in intense competition. This condition requires business actors to create strategies to meet consumer needs. One strategy that can be implemented is by providing a store atmosphere. This research was conducted to find out the condition and influences of store atmosphere purchasing decisions at mBlara coffee and culinary. The sam…
Perencanaan penggunaan lahan harus direncanakan supaya laju erosi tanah lebih kecil daripada laju erosi diperbolehkan. Wonosalam merupakan salah satu kecamatan di Kabupaten Jombang, Jawa Timur. Kecamatan Wonosalam memiliki topografi dengan ketinggian rata-rata 500-600 mdpl dengan kemiringan lereng yang tergolong agak curam hingga sangat curam. Metode pendugaan laju erosi yang digunakan adalah m…
The large variation in soil color makes it difficult to determine the color and organic matter content in the soil. The compilation method requires a relatively long time and the conclusions are determined lightly. Visually observing soil color using sensors is an interesting approach, because color sensor technology can help measure and analyze soil color more objectively and accurately. The r…