The coffee connoisseur index is rising by around 8% annually. Alongside the proliferation of coffee shops, the amount of plastic waste from packaging is also on the rise. Fore Coffee is innovating by using eco-friendly packaging to protect the environment. However, this does not guarantee an increase in Fore Coffee sales. One of Fore's strategies to boost sales is to create a unique and distinc…
This research to explore the influence of motivation and organizational culture on employee performance at PT Pos Indonesia Kebonrojo Surabaya through organizational commitment. In this case, motivation and organizational culture are considered important in creating good performance in a company. This research uses a quantitative method using a questionnaire which is used to collect data and th…
Determining the route in the distribution process is among the important decisions for the business since it affects the allocation costs that will be incurred. CV. DNY is an expedition company that operates in the field of sending goods to consumers. Based on field studies conducted by the company, it has not been able to determine the best path Instead, this study aims to optimize distributio…