ABSTRACT This study aims to analyze Canada's efforts to promote gender equality in Afghanistan through a feminist international aid policy 2020-2023. This research uses feminist foreign policy theory to explain the importance of overcoming structural barriers to gender equality, changing power dynamics, and focusing on political solutions. In addition, this research also uses the concept of gen…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana Korean Wave selama ini berkembang dan mempengaruhi berbagai aspek termasuk pada aspek budaya dan ekonomi di Indonesia. Korean Wave yang terus berkembang, menjadikan sebuah ladang basah bagi pemerintah Korea Selatan untuk memanfaatkannya sebagai sarana soft power diplomacy. Pengenalan budaya yang dilakukan melalui berbagai kerjasama yang terjal…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui upaya-upaya kerjasama bilateral yang telah dilakukan oleh pemerintah Indonesia untuk mewujudkan visi menjadi Poros Maritim Dunia. Pemerintah Indonesia menyadari bahwa perairan negaranya memiliki potensi maritim yang sangat beragam dan juga menjadi titik penting bagi jalur perdagangan dunia yang jika dimanfaatkan dengan baik akan bisa menjadikan wilayah …
ABSTRACT Since Indonesia's independence, the problem of social integration has still not been resolved. One of the integration problems is Papua. After the entry of Papua into Indonesia, Indonesia took an approach, but the approach taken made the social integration of the Papuan people increasingly fragile. As a result, many problems occur between Papua and Indonesia, such as failure in develop…
This study aims to analyze the efforts of the Surabaya City Government in increasing international tourism through the organization of the Surabaya Cross Culture International Folk Art Festival (SCCIFAF) in the 2017-2019 period. SCCIFAF is an annual art and cultural festival that aims to introduce and bring together various cultures from Indonesia and abroad. In organizing this festival, the Su…
Transnational drug crime in the ASEAN region involves cross-border illicit drug trafficking, posing significant challenges to regional security and stability. The Golden Triangle, which spans Laos, Myanmar, and Thailand, is one of the main regions where transnational drug trafficking is a significant concern. The region has seen a huge increase in transnational crime and synthetic drugs, with e…
The 10 November Museum is a museum with a historical theme in the city of Surabaya. The 10 November tragedy that occurred in Surabaya ultimately became the background for the birth of the Tugu Pahlawan monument which was inaugurated by Ir. Soekarno on 10 November 1951 to commemorate the services of the heroes who took part in the 10 November tragedy. At the 10 November Museum itself there are g…
Urban Tourism is a tourism attraction designed to draw both local and out-of-town visitors by utilizing city facilities as tourist attributes. The Surabaya Sightseeing City Tour (SSCT) is one such urban tourism activity, whose presence impacts the marketing of Surabaya's urban tourism. This article examines the influence of the Surabaya Sightseeing City Tour (SSCT) as an effort to market Suraba…